At Intergage you can always talk to a human.
Your support team is always at the end of a phone or email and available for meetings - virtual or physical. Monday - Friday 9-5.
Outside of office hours we provide emergency support for clients here.
Our account managers are here to ensure you have a great customer experience, supporting you with direction on your marketing strategy, helping you to solve the challenges you’re facing and providing you with solutions that will improve the way you do business.
Monday-Friday | 9am-5.30pm
(and out of hours for emergencies)
Our support team are at the end of the phone or on email to help you get the most out of your software applications and ensure our websites have 99.9% uptime.
Out of hours? Visit our support documents page, our FAQs page or message us here. Urgent support problem? Let us know here.
Included in your monthly subscription cost, training is available for all users of the system at any time – whether you just need a refresher on a particular feature of the CMS, or need to train up a new colleague.
Visit our FAQ page for training videos, advice, or check our support documents here.
Come Along to our Digital Marketing Training Session!
29th January 2025
Join us for a morning of learning as we go through all things digital marketing...
This course covers the wide spectrum of activities and methodologies that are used by marketing teams and professionals leading successful campaigns for their businesses and organisations.
If you are looking to expand your knowledge of marketing, are moving to a marketing role, or you're just starting your marketing career journey, come along!
This workshop is FREE, and hosted at the Intergage Office in Ferndown.